Hopscotch Reading Room at LISBETH: The World After Amazon
7-9 PM
Since it was founded in 1994, Amazon has presented itself as a benevolent force in our world, “revolutionizing” many areas of life and the economy, from books and media to robotics and logistics, from groceries and electronics to internet services and much, much more.
The corporation promises to bring us a utopian future of consumer convenience. But its workers pay the price, often toiling in dystopian conditions to generate profit so great their boss was able to finance his own private space program.
Companies like Amazon are indeed shaping the future of humanity, but the workers who generate its wealth have no say in that future.
The Worker as Futurist Project aims to support workers to tell their own stories, dream their own dreams, and reclaim the collective power to shape the future, in solidarity with the workers and communities around the world that are rising up to challenge Amazon.