Experience the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in Virtual Reality! In "Future Presence II: Ives Ensemble", the audience has the opportunity to immerse themselves in Charles...
The Boulangerie combines concert and salon, building a bridge between the traditional repertoire of chamber music and the music of today. Each event is dedicated to a contemporary...
Im Musiktheater BUZZING BRIDGE spielt Sounding Situations durch, wie der Vorgang des Abspielens uns zu dem macht, was wir sind. Die Performer:innen werden zu Tonträger:innen, die...
In the music theater BUZZING BRIDGE, Sounding Situations plays through how the process of playing makes us who we are. The performers become sound carriers, turning the stage into...
In the music theater BUZZING BRIDGE, Sounding Situations plays through how the process of playing makes us who we are. The performers become sound carriers, turning the stage into...
Im Musiktheater BUZZING BRIDGE spielt Sounding Situations durch, wie der Vorgang des Abspielens uns zu dem macht, was wir sind. Die Performer:innen werden zu Tonträger:innen, die...
In the music theater BUZZING BRIDGE, Sounding Situations plays through how the process of playing makes us who we are. The performers become sound carriers, turning the stage into...
Im Musiktheater BUZZING BRIDGE spielt Sounding Situations durch, wie der Vorgang des Abspielens uns zu dem macht, was wir sind. Die Performer:innen werden zu Tonträger:innen, die...
In the music theater BUZZING BRIDGE, Sounding Situations plays through how the process of playing makes us who we are. The performers become sound carriers, turning the stage into...